Monday, September 15, 2008


Lizhi Jin, Paying Men to Talk Peace, 2008

Lizhi Jin's monumental paintings are creating a Cretan maze of hyperbole in the French press. Many critics have noted the zigzag crackle of his liquid lines suspiciously resemble those of David Schoffman.

I called David the other day and asked for his reaction.

"I could sound like a drooling, drifting, whitehaired mole rat and say that the guy is a silverheeled thief ... but I won't. Jin is a legitimate artist who can pack all of his ideas into two small suitcases. He's likeable and plays a wicked game of table tennis but a Sardanapalus he ain't."

I thought that was generous, considering the circumstances.

Schoffman is a classy bloke.

1 comment: said...

Ms. Arbruzzi should be very concerned that slanderous items about her twin bother, Aurelio, are appearing in the on-line diary of an international financial consultant. She should drift her wandering gaze to: and see if litigation is necessary.

a friend